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Attend Unbound if you...

  • Are struggling to be free of fear, anger, sadness, unforgiveness, feelings of rejection, guilt, shame or other spiritual burdens

  • Find yourself trapped in the same area of sin time after time

  • Feel frustrated in your spiritual growth

  • Feel bound by negative patterns of thinking

  • Feel hopeless in finding freedom

  • Long to help someone without hope

  • Are a pastor or counselor who desires a greater understanding of Satan’s underhanded strategies in people’s lives

  • Want to learn and serve in Unbound ministry

Next Event: 


To be scheduled. Check back for details.

What People are Saying

About the Seminar

The Unbound: Freedom in Christ Seminar will present 5 keys to greater freedom in your life - Repentance & Faith, Forgiveness, Renunciation, Authority and The Father’s Blessing.  It is presented by the Dayton Unbound Team with some live talks and some talks on DVD by Neal Lozano, the creator of the Unbound Model and founder of Heart of the Father Ministries.  Prayer opportunities will also be provided throughout the day.


Pray to the Holy Spirit about a donation to make to cover the cost of food, materials and use of space. The seminar is not free, but everyone can afford it.

“I am leaving with an absolutely new level of freedom. I had something in my heart for almost thirty years. It made me fearful, uncertain, and jealous. Now I am free.”


“The team was great; they showed me love, respect, and encouragement. I couldn't thank them enough, especially the leader. I've been freed from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.”


“Before attending the conference, I was at rock bottom again in my life and had told my husband I was filing for divorce. I carried around so much junk in my heart that I wanted to free my husband of my horrible choices. At the conference my burden was lifted, I was FREED of the junk I thought I had to carry forever as a reminder of my choices. Not only my choices, but my parents' choices as well. I went home talking to God the whole way.”


“I was under constant self-condemnation for past confessed sins, and I felt worthless. Now I am free to bask in Jesus' love for me.”


“I was prayed over on Friday and felt a heavy load of sadness and pain just lift off my shoulders and heart. I experienced acceptance and peace and felt the love of Jesus.”

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